
Eric Edmond, CFA

Director of U.S. Institutional Client Management
Email: eedmond@mawer.com
Phone: +1 (719) 339-2211

Elliott Clarke

Director of U.S. Institutional Client Management
Email: eclarke@mawer.com
Phone: +1 (860) 966-9703


Neeraj Jain, CFA

Institutional Portfolio Manager
Email: njain@mawer.com
Phone: +1 (416) 865-3929

Outside North America

Patrick Fournell, CFA, MBA

Director, Institutional Portfolio Manager
Email: pfournell@mawer.com
Phone: +1 (416) 865-5278

Locate Us

  • Calgary

    Mawer Investment Management Ltd.
    Centre 10, 517 - 10th Avenue SW, Suite 600
    Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8

  • Toronto

    Mawer Investment Management Ltd.
    79 Wellington Street W, Suite 3410, P.O. Box 276, TD South Tower
    Toronto, Ontario M5K 1J5

  • Singapore

    Mawer Investment Management Singapore Pte. Ltd
    150 Beach Road, #25-05 Gateway West
    Singapore 189720